Guided Motorcycle Tours of Southern Georgian Bay
Call to arrange a guided tour through the back roads and places you'll never find on a map. See Georgian Bay like you've never seen it before.
Vintage Motorcycles and Parts
Sasquatch Motorcycles North sells a wide variety of vintage and post vintage motorcycles and parts. Some of our bikes are barn fresh while others have been restored to museum quality.
The following are just a few of the bikes we have for sale.
1940 Indian Chief
1975 Can Am 250
1973 Allouette 125
1971 BSA B-25 250
19689 Greeves 360 Challenger MX@
Kawasaki 125 Enduro
Fararri Mini Bike
Sasquatch Motorcycle North sells used motorcycle parts for Canams, Montesa, Nos Rickman/Montesa, Husky, Yamaha, Suzuki, Hondaka, BSA and Greeves.
I have a large inventory of motorcycles and parts. Let me know what you are looking for and if I don't have it I can probably find the part you are looking for!