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Turning a World of Chaos into a Sea of Calm
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ("OCD") is an anxiety based condition that can manifest itself in many ways, including hoarding, which involves the collection of anything and everything that the victim deems to have emotional or monetary value. In fact, many hoarders' homes become overwhelmed with clutter and chaos.
Naturally, this can cause untold distress and social isolation for the hoarder and their families. In addition, hoarding can result in health risks due to mould and clogged ventilation systems; serious fire hazards; and an inability to perform daily tasks such as working, bathing, or cooking. It can also result in an infestation of insects and rodents.
Now, in certain instances, the hoarder understands that their behaviour is affecting their lives and that of their families and are willing to undertake a pragmatic and therapeutic program to alleviate the problem.
And this is where we come in...
Through personal experience, independent research, and interaction with professional medical staff at acclaimed American institutions, we have acquired a thorough understanding of the problem and the knowledge necessary to help people cope with OCD and its offset behaviour - the compulsion to hoard.
We offer life-coaching services that complement (not replace) the efforts of therapists, family and friends to assist the willing hoarder to implement strategies to manage their compulsion. We also arrange for the homes of hoarders to be cleaned by sensitive and caring professionals. Although we take a "tough-love" approach, our staff and affiliates are trained to minimize the distress and anxiety that normally accompanies the removal of the hoarders' valuable possessions.
In summary, if you are in need of a caring person with first hand knowledge of your situation to assist you to cope with hoarding and tackle the chaos, then we have a good reason to talk.
Please make your initial contact by Email. We promise to respond to you within 24 hours. In your e-mail, please provide a telephone number and indicate when it will be convenient to call you to discuss how we can work together. Our e-mail address is ocd-hoarding@hotmail.com.
Turn your world of chaos into a sea of calm.
Write to us today at ocd-hoarding@hotmail.com to find out how or visit our website at www.ocd-hoarding.com for more information.